Have you ever had the kind of day where everything you touch somehow goes wrong? The kind that has you looking skyward and yelling, "Really?" It all started when I had a horrible nightmare about 5 minutes before my alarm went off at dawn. I'll spare you the details, but after I told Gene about it he said I wasn't allowed to watch The Walking Dead anymore.
So I'm already mightily
creeped out when I stumbled into the yard to do chores. Imagine my horror when I looked in the pasture, only to find Woolimina lying on her back with all four legs stuck straight up in the air. If you were going to prank someone with a cartoon looking fake dead sheep, that's exactly what it would look like. The only thing missing was giant "X's" over her eyes. I screamed her name, and was so relieved when her head moved. She'd somehow gotten stuck on her back, so I had to physically roll her over. (Which wasn't easy, by the way. She's a bit of a Large Marge now.) After stumbling around for a few minutes, she headed straight to her food bowl. So that crisis was averted. I did some research, and apparently sheep can just ... get stuck like that. Especially if they're standing on a slope. I guess that's why they get sheared on their backs, it makes them shut down. Thank god I'm a helicopter farm mama and found her right away, because if they don't get turned right side up fairly quickly it can be fatal.

And when I got home? You guessed it. Porkulous the Pesty was out and about again. I had to call our neighbor down to help rebuild the fence. And by help, I mean I stood around and watched him while he fixed it. I was too busy fending off the 300-pound, mud drenched, happy bundle of joy that decided he wanted cuddles. Again. Which set an official record, by the way. I went through every single pair of jeans I own, and our washer smells horrible.