Some repairs are best not put off

A few days ago I went into the Bunny Ranch to dispense wheat thins, which are Harvey and Claire's absolute favorite treat. As I was leaving, I noticed the decorative beaded latch-pull I had made to open the door from the inside (since the latch is on the outside) had snapped off, leaving just a short piece of wire to use. With the door open, I tried to reattach the beaded wire, but as happens with most of my repair jobs, I ended up breaking the whole thing. I mentally filed the project under "things to ask Gene to fix later" and went on with my day. Fast forward a few hours to when I convinced Gene to come with me and give the bunnies some quality cuddle time. In my defense, as I was opening the door, the thought "don't let the door close" was echoing repeatedly in my mind. The minute I followed Gene inside, that thought was instantly replaced with, "Wow, Claire looks even fluffier today" and then I heard the click. I learned two things that day: 1) Gene built an extremely solid Bunny Ranch and 2) Gene is very good at improvising tools to get himself unstuck while I'm much more suited to panicking and developing situational claustrophobia.

In chicken news, they are all as tired of winter as their mama is. The chickens can only spend so much time in their winter enclosure before growing so bored they're willing to venture out into the rain and wind. The inclement weather doesn't seem to hurt them any, but it does result in some very interesting hair styles. Fluff mama is rocking the Grace Jones look, whereas poor Puff Daddy looks like he's trying to be a hipster channeling the early 80s and way over did it with the gel products. The only critters who don't mind the rain are the ducks.... and with that, I'll leave you with today's Zen Moment, which Gene has dubbed "Three Tired Ducks":
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